Brown County AgriLife Extension Service presented Brown County commissioners with the “Building a Better Texas” award on Monday, showing their appreciation for the county’s support and celebrating the extension service’s 100th anniversary.
According to extension agent Kim Miles, the Extension Service was created in 1914 through the Smith-Lever Act, which codified into federal law, and provided funding for, outreach endeavors at the Land-Grant Universities founded by the Morrill Act of 1862. The act was introduced by Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia and Representative A. F. Lever of South Carolina to expand the vocational, agricultural, and home demonstration programs in rural America.
Pictured above are Brown County Commissioners and Extension Service agents: (left to right) Nick Gonzalez, Commissioner Gary Worley, Commissioner Joel Kelton holding the award, Commissioner Larry Traweek, Commissioner Wayne Shaw, Scott Anderson, and Kim Miles.