Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes filed for re-election on Wednesday seeking a second term in office. Haynes was elected in 2010, replacing longtime Mayor Bert Massey II who retired at that time.
Councilman Draco Miller has also filed for re-election for the Ward 4 council seat.
The filing period for the City of Brownwood General Election continues through February 28th, 2014, and anyone interested in filing to be a candidate for the offices of mayor or council seats for wards 1 and 4 may file at City Hall, located at 501 Center Avenue.
Currently the office of Mayor Stephen Haynes and seats of Councilmen H.D. Jones (Ward 1) and Draco Miller (Ward 4) are up for re-election.
The General Election will be held on May 10, 2014, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. as an order approved in a recent city council meeting.
Pictured is Mayor Haynes at a recent city council meeting.