The Brown County SkyWarn Weather Spotter School will be held Saturday, February 1st, at the Howard Payne University Newman Hall. The Weather School is co-sponsored by the Brownwood Amateur Radio Club (BARC), Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), and the San Angelo National Weather Service office (NWS).
BARC club President Rich Dugger says the class will be taught by NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist Hector Guererro and is open to anyone interested in weather. No pre-registration is required.
Students will learn about severe weather, thunderstorms and super-cells, tornadoes, hail, wind, and how they form. Attendees will also learn about the latest technology in weather detection and analysis, and the limitations of Weather Radar necessitating the need for trained weather spotters on the ground. Area SkyWarn Weather Spotters are required to attend annually.
Attendees can also get information on how to obtain an Amateur (Ham) radio license through the Brownwood Amateur Radio Club classes, and how to become a certified weather spotter thru the National Weather Service in San Angelo.
The Class begins at 9 a.m., February 1st, at Newman Hall at the corner of Austin Avenue & Coggin Avenue in Brownwood, across from Brookshire’s Grocery. For information ham radio classes, contact John Lawson at 325-647-8378.