The Pecan Bayou Soil and Water Conservation District will again be selling evergreen seedlings. The District Office in Brownwood is currently taking orders for trees as part of its 2014 Windbreak Seedling Tree Program. Trees must be ordered by February 13, 2014, and deliveries will be made February 21, 2014. The project is designed to not only provide beauty and wildlife habitat around structures, but also to provide windbreak protection to homes, farmsteads, barns and corrals.
Seedling trees being offered in a root-pruned tube pack include the Afghanistan Pine, Fourwing Saltbush, Lacebark Elm, Italian Stone Pine, Pinyon Pine, Arborvitae, Deodar Cedar, and Baldcypress. The tube grown plants are approximately 6 – 12-inches in height and are priced at $3.00 each. They are sold in groups of 25.
Bareroot species available are Aromatic Sumac, Black Cherry, Green Ash, Bur Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Sawtooth Oak, Shumard Oak, Osage Orange, Pecan and Sand Plum. Bareroots are approximately 18 – 24 inches tall and are priced at $2.00 each. They are sold in groups of 25 also.
Minimum wind protection can be provided by a single row of trees, but the greatest protection is provided by two or more rows of trees. Spacing recommendations vary according to the type of trees used.
All trees offered are suited for this area, but additional care will ensure their survivability.
After planting, seedlings should be protected from grazing by domestic animals as well as by wild animals such as deer and rabbits for up to 3 years.
Competition from weeds and grasses must also be controlled. Water is essential and five to eight gallons per week per tree is needed.
Orders for trees will be taken through February 13 and must be paid for at the time of ordering. Orders will be taken at the Natural Resources Conservation Service Office at 2608B Hwy 377 South in Brownwood or phone 325-643-1587 extension 3. Office hours are 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.