Brown County 4-H is supported by the Brown County United Way.
1 – Mandatory Horse Practice for Youth Fair 2:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns
2 – Deadline to Enter the Brown County Youth Fair
10 – Bangs 4-H Club Meeting 6:00p.m. at Bangs Fire Department
10 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office
10 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Early First Baptist Church
14 – Brown County 4-H Project Show
15 – Mandatory Horse Practice for Youth Fair 2:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns
15 – Sheep Club Meeting 6:00p.m. at Youth Fair Barns
17 – Rabbit Club Meeting 7:00p.m. at Extension Office
20 – Community Service Project (Turkey Boxes) 1:00p.m. at Extension Office
The Brown County Youth Fair is approaching fast. Everyone should have your animals if you are planning on entering in the Livestock Division of the Youth Fair. There are a few other things that have to be done in order to participate in the Brown County Youth Fair. Below is a check list for you to go by to make sure you are covered.
– Enroll in 4-H
– Attend Validation (have your animal validated for county or state)
– Purchase a Youth Fair Membership (this is mandatory if you are entering livestock or home economics)
– Fill out an entry form for the Brown County Youth Fair (Deadline to enter is December 2nd)
** If you are showing horses, you and your horse must attend one of the two mandatory practices on Dec 1st or Dec 15th 2:00 p.m. at the Youth Fair Barns Show Arena. You will also need to have the proof of ownership papers or bill of sale, registration papers or 4-H certification form. All horses must have negative EIA test documentation.
With freezing temperatures new challenges arise when feeding and caring for show animals. Clean fresh water must be available at all times. When animals can’t drink their feed intake decreases. When water troughs freeze up water is not available. You must check your water troughs at least every day; however, more often is better. These show animals may require additional feed in order to maintain body heat in cold weather, but available water is imperative.
The 2013 Best of Best Coleman County Swine Show will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at the Coleman Goree Expo Center. The barns will open at 7:00a.m., weight cards will be due at 11:00 a.m., and the show will begin at 1:30 p.m. The entry fee is $15.00. Barrows and gilts are welcome. If you would like a flyer come by the Extension Office.
The Brown County 4-H Project Show is set for December 14th at the Youth Fair Barns. Check in is from 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.and the entry fee is $5 per animal. Show will begin immediately after classes are broke. There will also be a jackpot showmanship that you can enter the day of the show for $5. The schedule is as follows:
- Sheep
- Goats
- Swine
- Steers
- Heifers
*The Rabbit Show will begin at 9:00 a.m.
If you are interested in participating in Consumer Decision Making practices will begin in December. For more information please contact Kim Miles at the Extension Office.
Texas has the largest number of 4-H and FFA livestock projects in the nation. Young people participate at the county, district, regional and state level. The tremendous support and dedication of livestock show officials help make this possible. With this opportunity comes a responsibility for each exhibitor to learn and demonstrate the highest standards, both in personal character and in the feeding and care of their animals. “Quality Counts” is designed to teach young people the importance of displaying good character in carrying out livestock projects, and in every aspect of their lives. “Quality Counts” helps them learn the importance of using proper livestock management practices so that food quality and safety are preserved.
*If you are planning on participating at any major livestock show you will need a Quality Counts Verification number. This number can be obtained by successfully passing the online exam. Quality Counts website can be found on the Brown County 4-H home page If you have taken it already then your number will still be valid. It will not be valid if you turned 14 years old before August 1st of this year; therefore, you will need to take the senior exam. If you have any questions or think you might have to take the exam again please contact Nick Gonzales.
The Annual Community Service project is making 25 Turkey Boxes to be donated to the Family Service Center so that 25 families who are not able to afford a Christmas dinner will be able to because of Brown County 4-H. We are asking that each club put at least one box together. We would like to see each club put more boxes together if possible.
The boxes will be wrapped and delivered to the Family Service Center on December 20th. If you are planning on participating you need to be at the Extension Office at 1:00 p.m. December 20th. Pizza and drinks will be served.
Call the Extension Office and let us know how many boxes your club will be putting together. Below is a list of the items that need to be put into each box.
- Gravy
- Stuffing
- Sweet Potatoes
- Cranberry Sauce
- Corn
- Corn Bread Mix
- Instant Potatoes
- Brownie Mix
- Green Beans
* Due to it being more cost efficient at this time the Extension Office is going to purchase the turkeys. If you would like to donate money to help purchase turkeys contact the Extension Office.
* If you would like contribute any of these items you may bring them by the Extension Office before December 20th.
District 7 is holding three scholarship trainings on December 3 – Tom Green County 4-H Building, December 10 – Taylor County Extension Office, and December 17 – Llano County Extension Office for those who are interested in applying for the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Opportunity Scholarship. All trainings will be from 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m.
Below is a list of due dates and deadlines for 2014 Scholarship process.
- October, 2013 Release of 2014 Application
- November – January Scholarship Trainings (Some online)
- November – December Applicant complete FAFSA and receive report
- Set by County Office Application due to County Office
- February 7, 2014 Applications due to District Office
- February 21, 2014 Applications due to State 4-H Office
- April 11, 2014 Interview selection notification
- May 9-11, 2014 Interviews (Austin, TX)
June 9, 2014 Awards Program/Banquets(College Station, TX)
If you would like more information on the trainings or scholarship please contact Nick Gonzales.
The enrollment process for the 2013-2014 4-H year has started. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member.
As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
- If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
- If you lost your email and password call the county office so we can reset it for you.
- An active membership will not be granted until the $20.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
- You cannot register or participate in an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
- When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2013-2014 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- You can use your Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser Voucher to pay your membership dues. To do this you will have to come into the extension office to enroll.
- We are updating our e-mail database on November 1st so if you are not enrolled by then you will no longer receive newsletters updates via e-mail. Unless you notify the Extension Office prior to November 1st deadline.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $25.
Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners’ Courts of Texas Cooperating.