As I was taking my daughter her book bag that she left at my apartment this weekend, instead of taking it home with her to her moms after my weekend was over, I thought to myself, “She’s not doing THIS again!”
A life lesson in progress, if you will.
I have run into my fair share of them throughout my life, and I know I will continue to run face first into plenty more before I’m done!
I say face first, because I remembered as I was typing this of a lesson that took several attempts for me to learn, and it was a painful lesson!
When I was a youth group member in Hurst, TX, we would often go to someone’s house in the summer to swim. And to throw girls into the pool fully clothed, but I digress…
One house we went to was the Allredge’s house, and they had a big sliding glass door facing their patio. I saw a friend in the house, and came to say hi to them, and ran smack into the glass door. This was to be the first, and certainly not the last time for this to happen, much to my chagrin.
I can recall two other times it happened before they put a sticker at my eye level on the glass, just so I wouldn’t run into it anymore.
You’d have thought that’d do it, but you’d have been wrong!
Only after I hit my head a fourth (I think) time, and got shown the sticker, did I learn to look and see if it was in fact open before I came a-runnin’ for the living room!
It became a running joke that I’d make a show of looking for the sticker every time I was there that summer, and I think even the next year. But I looked, and didn’t risk the need for a new door at my friend’s house any longer. In fact, I’d bet that if that group of people were to get together today, it wouldn’t be long before it’d come up! (Friends like these, I tell ya!)
My point is, life lessons are necessary, but boy, they sure do hurt! Be sure and look around you, double check things like book bags, and watch to see if the patio door is open, and you’ll ultimately be a bit happier in life.
And have a few less bruises!
Ben Cox is the morning show host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the new in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team, & Ben is also an event DJ for weddings, parties and the like, and can be contacted through the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.
The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.