Good Samaritan Ministries is preparing to share approximately 1500 Christmas boxes with Brown County families in need and has set up donation boxes around Brownwood to help meet those needs.
These donation boxes are being set up at the following locations:
- Davis-Morris Funeral Home
- Jackson-Hewitt Tax Services
- Camelot Apartments
- Citizens National Bank
- Roberson Rent-All
Christmas boxes from Good Samaritan furnish a family a box filled with most of the ingredients needed to prepare a traditional Christmas dinner including a hen and all the trimmings. The food for the boxes comes from a combination of food donations from local residents and businesses and the majority is ordered from the food bank and local grocery stores.
Donations of canned goods and other non-perishable items such as pumpkin, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans, chicken broth, cornbread mix, stuffing mix and cake mix are much appreciated and may be taken to any of the above locations.
Only $25 will provide a Christmas food box to a family in need. Monetary donations may be made at 305 Clark Street, mailed to P.O. Box 1136, Brownwood, TX 76804 or online at
These Christmas boxes are being delivered beginning December 2nd.