Veterans Service officers Billy Murphey, Jr. and James Masters received certificates of training and accreditation at Monday morning’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners’ Court.
Through training offered twice yearly by the Texas Veterans Commission and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Murphey and Masters achieved status as accredited representatives of the Texas Veterans Commission. With this status they are qualified to represent claimants before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs under the provisions of Title 40, Part 15, Chapter 415, Texas Administrative Code. Murphey and Masters serve as National Service Officers for the VFW and Texas Veterans Commissionable to process the Veterans Administration’s claims data base nationwide for both the organizations.
Certificates signed by Governor Rick Perry and Thomas P. Palladino, Col. US Army Retired, were presented by County Judge Ray West on behalf of the Texas Veterans Commission. Pictured above are Murphey (right) and Masters (left) during the presentation.
In other matters on Monday’s agenda:
*Commissioners took no action and did not implement a burn ban.
*Commissioner Precinct 3 Wayne Shaw received approval to purchase a boom shredder and tractor through Triple Blade and Steel of Terrell, Texas for a total of $85,638. The tractor is a 45 HP John Deer being bought from an individual and has only 2700 hours use. The price of the tractor is $35,800 and the shredder $49,838. A bid was also considered from the Buy Board, which was $77,711 for the tractor alone. According to Shaw, the shredder will allow trimming back of overhanging limbs and brush along county roads to help reduce liability for the county. He stated, “I feel it is money well spent, we can improve our roads and cut back on liability.”
*Approval was given to add Brown County Appraisal District employees onto the Brown County Health Insurance Plan. According to Chief Appraiser Brett McKibben, BCAD employees had years ago been on the county’s Blue Cross Blue Shield Policy offered through the Texas Association of Counties; however, in an effort to save money, they opted to find a different coverage at some point years ago. Now with the changes of the Affordable Care Act, the BCAD policies have increased 30%. By being added back to the county’s insurance, McKibben stated that $17,000 of taxpayer dollars would be saved this year.
*Commissioners approved the hiring of a replacement employee in the District Clerk’s office. Tasha Harris has been hired as of November 14, 2013 to replace Nita Richardson.
*Commissioners approved an employee for the newly created Indigent Defense Coordinator and Pretrial Services position. Nita Richardson is hired as of November 18th to fill this position. Funding for the salary of this new position (which was created on 9/23/13) will be received for two years from a grant through the Texas Taskforce of Indigent Defense.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office received approval of several employee changes. Mason Murry replaces Arnold Ashton in a part time position in the commissary. Ashton replaces Paula Netherton as the visitation clerk. Netherton will be working in food services. Rhonda Joyner will replace Kenneth Wilson as a jailer. Kenneth Wilson is leaving his position as a jailer to become a Sgt. on road crew.