Brown County Commissioners met for their weekly meeting Monday before considering departmental requests for their upcoming budget for the fiscal year 2013-2014 in a budget workshop. Many requests are pouring in for the already stretched thin budget, according to county officials.
The total of the budget is yet to be determined, according to County Auditor Nina Cox; however, without any additions, taxpayers will see a $11.00 increase for the average household on property taxes due to the $1.5 million in tax notes approved by the court for infrastructure improvements earlier this month.
Commissioners will continue holding budget workshops in the coming weeks to help develop a proposed budget and determine if any other tax rate hikes are needed. The budget would be approved in September after a public hearing.
In other matters on Monday’s agenda:
*Three Brown County Sheriff’s Office employee changes were approved by the court.
*Tara Bradley Newton of Air Evac LifeTeam presented information on discount memberships to the air ambulance service to county employees. The discounted rates of $40 per employee, $45 per employee & spouse, or $50 for the employee and entire family were offered; this is discounted from the regular rates, which include a family rate of $65. Commissioners approved making Air Evac a possible payroll deduction for county employees. Each employee can elect to be enrolled on an annual basis.
*Commissioner Precinct 3 Wayne Shaw received approval to purchase a new 4,000 gallon water truck. According to Shaw, the truck being replaced has a 2,000 gallon tank and with the passage of the infrastructure tax notes, more paving will be taking place, calling for the need of a larger truck. The truck will be purchased through Richey Brothers Equipment Auction for an amount not to exceed $40,000. The 2,000 gallon truck from Precinct 3 will be bought by Precinct 1 for use in that area according to Shaw.
*Becky Caffey, Brown County Jail administrator received approval of changing jail kitchen employees from a salaried position to an hourly position of $11.54/hour, not to exceed 29 hours per week. There are currently two employees in this position which would be affected by the change. They are hired at jailer base pay because they supervise inmates, according to Caffey.