Sometimes it seems as if there is no end in sight to controlling brush and if you own cow’s external parasites are always present. The drought has not slowed down either of these problems. If you want to get the most up to date information on controlling brush and external parasites on cattle make plans now to attend a Brush/Cattle CEU Program on July 2, 2013.
This program will be conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It will be held at the Brown County Fairgrounds Home Economic Building located on HWY 377 South in Brownwood. The program will start at 5:00p.m.
Topics to be covered include new herbicides for brush control, considerations for aerial herbicides application, controlling external parasites on cattle, and pesticide applicator laws and regulations.
The Brush/Cattle CEU program is open to anyone interested. There will be a registration fee of $25 for those who pre-register by June 25th; otherwise it will be $30 at the door. Five CEUs are expected to be offered to licensed pesticide applicators. A catered meal is included in the registration fee. The Brush/Cattle CEU program is sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office in Brown, Mills, and San Saba Counties. For more information or to pre-register contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.