Early Chamber of Commerce will host a City Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, May 4, 2013. Yard sales throughout the city will be held at homes and businesses in Early.
Participants may host their own sale at their home or business or have one at a booth in the Heartland Mall parking lot.
The Early Chamber of Commerce will do the advertising for all the yard sales. The Chamber will also hand out maps at the northern corner of the Heartland Mall parking lot, on the grass from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., listing all garage sales.
To participate in the City Wide Yard Sale, contact the Early Chamber of Commerce at 325-649-9317. Deadline to sign up is May 2nd.
Cost to participate is $10.00 to have your address listed on the map or $20.00 for a booth at the Heartland Mall parking lot.
For more information or questions, please contact the Early Chamber of Commerce 325-649-9317 or stop by 104 E. Industrial Drive in Early to pick up a registration form.