In observance of National Infant Immunization Week, the Brownwood/Brown County Health Department will be hosting a Kids’ Health Fair
on April 20, 2013 from 9am until 1pm at the Brownwood Coliseum. BBCHD would like to encourage parents to bring their children to the Kids’ Health Fair to take part in the fun: games, prizes, face-painting, bounce houses, puppet shows, hot dogs, and popcorn.
Free bike helmets will also be available at the Kids Health Fair. The bike helmet give-away is made available by a matching grant from the Texas Medical Association and the TMA Foundation. Head injury is the most common cause of death and serious disability from bike crashes. The use of helmets can reduce the risk of serious head injury by as much as 85 percent.
The Brownwood Police Department and the Brownwood Fire Department will be on hand to talk to the kids about safety.
Information will be available for parents and caregivers about immunizations and vaccine preventable diseases, as well as information about the WIC program, emergency preparedness, safety and healthy living. Free give-away items will also be available for the adults.
The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department encourages the parents in our area to bring their children out to the Kids Health Fair
on Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 9am until 1pm at the Brownwood Coliseum. For questions please call 325-646-0554
Every year, thousands of children become ill from diseases which could have been prevented by childhood immunizations.
National Infant Immunization Week is an annual observance to promote the benefits of immunizations and to improve the health of children two years of age and younger. NIIW highlights the dangers of vaccine-preventable diseases to infants and young children and the importance of childhood immunizations in helping to keep children safe and healthy. This year, National Infant Immunization Week will be observed April 20-27.