The 6th grade Intermediate Choir recently put on a production titled, “A Kid’s Life.” The show centered around a family who has to deal with a whole day without electronic devices due to a massive electromagnetic attack from outer space that jammed all technical systems. Without electricity and no cell phones, they are faced with a day of no fun, until their Grandma and Grandpa (played by Khloe Tobien and Parker Dorsett) come and literally save the day by introducing them to adventure, music, imagination and fun without fancy gadgets. The kids spend the day playing games, making paper airplanes, telling ghost stories, jumping rope and making a family band with kitchen gadgets.
“The choir learned the musical in less than eight weeks and ended up doing an amazing job,” said Brownwood Intermediate School music and choir teacher Amber Jones. “Each student had a part in the program and worked very hard to make it the best they could.”
The choir will now begin working on their end of the year concert and music for their festival competition in Dallas on May 3rd.
Pictured above and below the BIS Choir performs “A Kid’s Life.”