Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the BROWN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT will convene on the 8th day of April, 2013, at 9:00 A. M., in the Brown County Commissioners Courtroom:
A. Opening Prayer
B. Reading and approval of Minutes
C. Recognition of Visitors
D. Matter of New Business to be presented to the Court for its consideration and action as appropriate. Items may not be taken in the order that they are listed.
1. Joel Kelton- Pct 2 – Consideration and possible approval of burn ban;
2. Beverly Norris & Putter Jarvis – Consideration and possible approval for roof repair at the Brown County Museum of History Annex building;
3. Don King and Phil Cornett – Consideration and possible approval of plat for Brownwood DPT VIII, LLC Addition;
4. Joel Kelton, Pct #2 – Discussion of issuance of tax notes for infrastructure improvements;
5. Larry Traweek, Pct #4 – Consideration and possible approval of equipment purchase;
6. Sheriff’s Office – Employee changes;
7. Judge Ray West – Consideration and possible approval of Resolution and Agreement between Brown County and Brown County Appraisal District for the collection of taxes;
8. Suzy Young – Consideration and possible approval of seasonal/part-time employee to image voter registration cards;
9. Suzy Young – Consideration and possible approval to purchase inventory software for HAVA equipment;
10. Gary Worley, Pct #1 – Consideration and possible approval of equipment purchase;
11. Judge Ray West – Consideration and possible approval of lease to G4S; Juvenile Justice Center;
12. Judge Steve Ellis – Consideration and possible approval of Indigent Defense Resolution;
E. Reports
F. Consideration and Approval of bills
G. Approval of Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report
H. Adjournment or recess;