Brown County 4-H is supported by Brown County United Way
19 – District Fashion Show in Grape Creek, Texas
22 – 28 – State 4-H Horse Show in Abilene, Texas
3 – Deadline to Apply for Gold Star, Silver Star, and Bronze Star Award
10 – Deadline to Turn in Project Record Forms
14 – Deadline to Turn in Application for Brown County 4-H Council
16 – Interviews for Brown County 4-H Council
25 – 2011-2012 Brown County Awards Banquet 9:00a.m. at Home Economics Building
The annual Brown County 4-H banquet will be held on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the Brown County Home Economics building. This year’s banquet will be a FUN day. We will start at 9:00 AM with games and then have the award ceremony and lunch at 1:00 PM. There will be no cost to attend this year’s banquet. The banquet is open to everyone so bring some friends that are interested in 4-H.
Banquet Announcements
– If you are interested in applying for the Gold (senior member), Silver (intermediate member), and Bronze (junior member) Star submit your Recordbooks by August 3rd.
– If you have accomplished any award this past 4-H year please fill out a project form, which can be obtained through the extension office or email. The forms are due back to the extension office by August 10th.
– We are making a power point slide show so please start submitting digital pictures to the extension office. Last day to submit pictures will be August 10th.
– This year we want to showcase each 4-H club in the county; therefore, I would like each club manager to have their members create a project board for your club showing what they have accomplished. Also include contact numbers and when your first meeting will be.
We look forward to seeing everyone coming out to celebrate the 4-Hers accomplishments from this past year. If you have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales.
Are you interested in being a Youth Leader? Do you want to be someone that younger 4-Hers can look up to? Well here is your chance!!! County 4-H Council will be holding interviews for 2012 2013 officers on August 16th at the extension office. The Brown County 4-H Council is a leadership team that is elected through an application and interview process at the county level. Each of these 4-H members represents the 4-H program throughout the year at many different county and district events. Applications will be available starting July 18th and will be due August 14th. If you have any questions about being on County Council please contact Nick Gonzales.
Plan on attending this upcoming wether and doe sale July 21st. Breeders Miller Show Goats & McInnis Show Goats will have over 30 animals consigned to this sale, so plan on attending to select your 2012-2013 Market and or Breeding Boer Goat project before all the good picks are gone.
Date: July 21, 2012
Sale Time: 10:00am (preview starts @ 8:00am)
Location: Brownwood ISD’s Ag Farm (Brownwood Ag Barns)
Address: 3110 Stephen F. Austin Drive, Brownwood, Texas 76801
Contacts & More Info:
Garrett Miller:
Cell – 325-998-6790
facebook – Miller Show Wethers (Like Us)
e-mail – [email protected]
Gayland Miller:
Cell – 325-642-3007
e-mail – [email protected]
Ben McInnis:
Cell – 325-647-4159
e-mail – [email protected]
The Beef Cattle Short Course (BCSC) youth program is a hands-on opportunity for youth to learn more about the beef cattle industry. All youth attending will have the opportunity to participate in a live cattle evaluation, beef quality demonstration, beef carcass competition, beef fabrication hands-on demonstration, sensory and preparation hands-on demonstration.
Students will be fed breakfast Monday through Wednesday, lunch and dinner on Monday and Tuesday. They will also receive the 600+ page proceedings, ticket to the Famous Texas Aggie Prime Rib Dinner, refreshments and trade show admittance.
The cost of the Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course is $60 for youth. Deadline for registration will be August 1. After August 1 the registration fee will be $80. All youth attending must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is registered and attending the BCSC. This program is limited to 50 youth so register early! Students must be between the ages of 13 and 18 to participate. For a registration form and tentative schedule you can go to
Texas 4-H Center Youth Programs will provide your child with the chance to develop character, learn valuable life skills, make new friends, and discover new interests. Finding the right camp for your child is as important as helping them find the right college! Annually, five or more sessions are offered each summer for youth ages 9 (or completed 2nd grade) to age 18, 4-H membership is NOT required for most camps. All camp registrations are made through the Texas 4-H Center website, The 4-H Center is accredited by American Camp Association. Listed below are the different camps that will be offered this summer at the Texas 4-H Center:
– Mission Possible Mentor Training, July 22, 2p.m. – July 23, 11a.m., cost is $80
– Mission Possible, July 23, 2p.m. – July 25, 3p.m., cost is $175
– Prime Time I Grades 5-8, July 22, 2p.m. – July 25, 10a.m., cost is $225
– Prime Time II Grades 2-5, July 25, 2p.m. – July 28, 10a.m., cost is $225
July 19, 20, 21 Lometa FFA Jr. Rodeo
August 10 & 11 Best of Texas Youth Blow-Out
August 1st started the enrollment process for the 2011-2012 4-H year in Texas. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member. If you want to become an adult leader or volunteer we encourage you to enroll for the 2011-2012 year. There is no cost for adult leaders or adult volunteers. As you enroll in 4-H for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
• If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
• If you lost your email and password call the county office we can tell you your e-mail address and reset your password!
• To be an official 4-H member in Texas 4-H you must have an ACTIVE profile in 4-H CONNECT!
• An active membership will not be granted until the $25.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
• You cannot register for an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
• When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2011-2012 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
• Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll!
Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners’ Courts of Texas Cooperating.