The Brown County Elections Office received approval from the Brown County Commissioners Court on Monday to purchase 6 new laptops out of the Helping Americans Vote Act and contract funds. According to Young, the equipment helps elections officials verify qualified voters at polling locations within the county.
“I’d like to spend the money (from HAVA funds which must be spent within a certain timeframe) and I think the laptops are a great place to spend it,” said Elections Administrator Suzy Young. “We need to make everything consistent and the purchase of these will allow a computer at each polling location, two at the larger precincts’ polls.”
Young also received approval for a resolution to hold a joint primary for the Republican and Democratic Primary Elections. According to Young, this resolution names May 29th as the Primary Election date and, if needed, a date of July 31st for a runoff election.
Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Brady and Brady ISD to lease elections equipment and services from the Brown County Elections Office was granted by commissioners. Young stated that cancellations of the Blanket city and Bangs ISD elections made the equipment available and the lease possible.
According to Young, McCullough County found themselves in a position that they would not have enough voting equipment and when it comes to voting rights, she felt it was important to help the voters if at all possible, which led to the request for the interlocal agreement.
In other matters on the agenda:
*Commissioners took no action on the implementation of a burn ban.
*Commissioner Joel Kelton, Precinct 2, received approval for a water line installation along County Road 101, by the City of Brownwood, which would be according to county specifications in the right-of-way.
*Keith Allen, a county employee, received approval for the purchase of a new water fountain for the third floor of the courthouse. According to Allen, the fountain would cost approximately $686.00 and he could personally install it. The fountain, Allen stated, is ADA compliant and is the same size and dimensions as the current fountain it will replace, which was manufactured in March of 1976.
*Precinct 4 Commissioner Larry Traweek received approval for a water easement for a private line along CR 105, which will be along the bar ditch and to county specifications.
*D. C. Moore of Midland, a retired businessman, received approval of the 2012 Commemorative Map Poster of Brownwood. Moore designs and sells maps with artist rendering of cities with businesses and points of interest (POI) of the community, drawn by a local artist. Commissioners agreed to pay the $360 fee charged by Moore to include one location of a business or POI, which for the county would be the courthouse. Moore stated that due to the historical value and unique design of the Old Brown County Jail, he will include the jail at no cost to the museum.