In preparation for Good Samaritan Ministries’ third annual Empty Bowls Project, GSM is hosting bowl painting parties at 305 Clark Street on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from February to mid-March.
No experience painting ceramics? Not a problem. No artistic ability? Still not a problem.
“All we need are willing and able bodies to help us paint some of the 1,000 bowls we’ve ordered for this year’s event,” said Angelia Bostick, Executive Director of Good Samaritan Ministries. “We have the bowls, the paint and the facility ready. We just need groups to come and paint.”
To schedule a group, call Misty Bowers at (325)203-2489 or email [email protected]. Seating is limited to 20 so if your group has more than that, schedule two get-togethers.
“As of right now, we are hosting parties on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m.,” Bostick said. “This is such a great opportunity for your Sunday School Classes, office employees, book club, sewing group or any organization to get together and help bring this event together by doing nothing more than painting a ceramic bowl.”
Special Wednesday evening times from 6 to 8:30 p.m. will be reserved for Youth and Missions Groups that may want to use the time for a service project.
Several schools, colleges and nursing homes are already working together with GSM to paint bowls on their own but there are still more to be painted.
“We ran out of bowls last year about 4 o’clock,” Bostick said. “We don’t want that to happen again so we have ordered more than twice as many bowls as last year and we’re certain we’ll see that many people.”
A few groups have already come by Good Samaritan Ministries to paint bowls, fellowship and participate in a project that has truly become a community-wide event.
This year’s Empty Bowls Project will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 29 at the Brownwood Coliseum. All of the proceeds from the event will go toward the hunger ministries of GSM: Food Pantry, Food for Thought and The Deer Project.
During 2011, grocery staples were given to an average of 999 families per month with 618 tons of food distributed for the year. One hundred twenty four students on 11 campuses are currently enrolled in the Food for Thought program providing sacks of food to chronically hungry students over the weekends during the school year. During the 2011-2012 deer season, The Deer Project brought in 11,536 pounds of lean venison.
Pictured above: A group of Howard Payne University Cheerleaders and their friends painted bowls on Valentine’s day at Good Samaritan Ministries. Below: Sweet Peas, a group of young mothers who stay connected via Facebook, try to find sitters once a month and get together with each other for some “mommy time.” Their February get-together was to paint bowls at GSM for the annual Empty Bowls Project.