Two free workshops for beginning entrepreneurs and established small businesses will be held on Wednesday, November 16th in the Mabee Center at Howard Payne University in Brownwood. The sessions will be conducted by Dr. Greg Clary, Economist with Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Chairman of the Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship.
The first workshop will be from 1:00-4:30 pm for owners of startup and early stage businesses. Discussion will focus on the basics of business development including identifying successful ideas, evaluating feasibility, formulating a model for making money, funding your business and fundamentals of marketing, financial and operations management.
The second workshop will be from 5:00-8:30 pm for owners of established businesses. Dr. Clary will offer tips and tools for improvement, growth, accessing capital and surviving tough economic times. Discussion will focus on assessing the current status of your business, prescriptions for remediating weak areas, building on strengths and mitigating risk. Participants will learn how to implement the Business Assessment Matrix (BAM), a new innovative, one of a kind management tool. The BAM includes 17 keys to business success that help you better evaluate your business plan, establish baselines, set standards of performance and make management decisions that lead to improved company performance.
“The first workshop covers the basics of getting a business off the ground while the second addresses more advanced management issues,” explained the instructor, Dr. Greg Clary. “These workshops offer an excellent opportunity for local entrepreneurs and business people to obtain tools and strategies that can propel them to the next level,” said BEDC director, Emily Crawford. Attendees are welcome to attend both workshops, if desired.
All participants will receive a CD with entrepreneurship business development curriculum authored by Dr. Clary and will be eligible for follow-up technical assistance following these workshops.
To register, call the BEDC office at 325-646-6751 or email Ruth Willey at [email protected].
The workshops and resource materials are provided free of charge through a partnership with the West Texas Innovation Network (, Brownwood Economic Development Corporation (, the Texas Workforce Commission ( and Howard Payne University (