Bruce Toeppich and Jennetta Brown both from Brownwood won 1st in the West Region 2 of Us Couples Tournament held on Lake Brownwood on Saturday, March 19th with a nice 5 fish stringer. Other winners are as follows:
- Roy & Teresa Smith from Brady came in 2nd place and Teresa also won the Women’s Big Bass with her nice bass.
- 3th place went to Tommy & Leonda Harrell from Brownwood. They received a nice AbuGarcia Rod and Reel donated by Sportsman Center of Brownwood.
- 4th place went to Danny & Brenda Armstrong from Brownwood and Danny also had won the Men’s Big Bass award with his nice bass. They received a battery tender from Trans Texas Tire.
- 5th place went to Barry & Donna Merrill from Stephenville. They received a marine battery donated by Trans Texas Tire.
- 6th place was Gary Webb & Phyllis Crable from Lubbock. They received two AbuGarcia Rods donated by Hi-Way Auto Parts.
- 7th place was Monte & Audrey Beckham from Shallowater. They received a marine battery donated by O’Reilly’s Auto Parts.
- 8th place was Wayne & Tammy Manning from Kingsland. They received a nice boat detailing from Draco’s Janitorial and Auto Detailing.
Tournament officials would like to thank all of the businesses that donated to this tournament held on Lake Brownwood. Napa, Trans Texas Tire, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Hi-Way Auto, Sportsman Center, Draco’s Janitorial & Auto Detailing, Chili’s, Howey Enterprises, Service Master, Thornhill Trucking, Brownwood Chamber of Commerce, Scott’s Western Wear, Christie Wynn Jewelry, Mary Kay Cosmetics Representative Sharlette Bain, Weakley Watsons, ET Signs, and Blevins Body Shop.