East Elementary raised $2053.16 in just two weeks for “Pennies for Patients” to help children like Cade Perkins, a 2 year old from Zephyr, who is diagnosed with Leukemia. East Elementary students, Christopher and Bradley Robinson, also live in Zephyr, and their mother informed East Principal, Nanda Wilbourn about Cade.
“She sent us e-mails and photos of Cade, so we have been talking about him during the Pennies for Patients campaign,” said Mrs. Wilbourn. “I’ve never met Cade or his family, but felt like if our students knew of a child who was from this area it would make the cause more personal and urgent.”
Many students brought all the money they had in their piggy banks, and some students did extra chores around the house to earn money. Other students have said they are praying for Cade. “I am very proud of our students,” said Mrs. Wilbourn.
Pennies for Patients is a program of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Photo: Students who brought the most money for Pennies for Patients were from Mrs. Brownlee, Mrs. Anglin, Mrs. Gossett, Miss Matlock and Mrs. Pinkston’s Classes. Joining the students are: top, Mrs. Wilbourn (principal), left, Mrs. Fisk (counselor) and right, Gloria Salazar (teaching assistant)