Ranger College President Dr. Bill Campion released the following statement regarding the proposed state budget cuts that would eliminate funding to Ranger College and three other community colleges in the state.
Campion said:
“All of us at Ranger College feel great concern about the initial budget proposal released by the House Appropriations Committee. Certainly we recognize that Texas faces extraordinary budget challenges this year. We also understand that this base bill represents only a starting point for budget negotiations.
We hope that Speaker Straus and Chairman Pitts will remove these four colleges from the “defunded list” and allow them to continue to serve the thousands of Texans so desperately in need of educational opportunities.
Ranger College has enjoyed phenomenal growth recently. Spring 2010 showed an increase of 66% over the 2009 spring semester; fall 2010 showed a 62% increase over the previous fall.
New facilities in Brown County and Stephenville have met with very enthusiastic response and expanding facilities are in the planning stages for both locations.
A new RN Program recently enrolled the first cohort of nursing students just two weeks ago.
A truck driving program in Brown County and one soon to begin in Stephenville have joined health, cosmetology and vocational nursing programs in both communities to address important workforce training issues.
Tens of thousands of former students received their opportunity for higher education from Ranger College. The 4.5 counties this institution serves deserve a first-class community college. For many people, Ranger has offered and continues to offer the only affordable access to higher education. We join with thousands of other ardent supporters in fully believing that the next 90 years will build on the solid foundation provided by the previous 90 years. Ranger College must and will continue to serve the citizens of this area.”
Click here for more info on the proposed cuts.
Photo shows Dr. Campion at a recent event in Brownwood.