Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes will be the guest speaker this Friday at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon. Haynes will present a “State of the City” report for Brownwood during the luncheon which will outline what the city had done over the last year, city finances, projects, and much more.
Haynes is actively involved in many community and civic affairs. He is a past Chairman of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce, and was elected Mayor of the City of Brownwood in May of 2010.
Officials at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce also said that they will be making a special announcement at the luncheon which will have an economic impact on tourism in Brown County.
The luncheon, which is open to Chamber members and guests, will feature an interesting program and will also include door prizes, introduction of new members, and a cash drawing.
The luncheon will take place Friday, January 21 at the Brownwood Country Club from 11:30 AM to 1 PM.
The cost of the luncheon is $11 per person to be paid at the door. Those interested in attending the luncheon are urged to RSVP to the Chamber by calling 325-646-9535 or email [email protected]