Early High School head coach Kristi Sandoval reports results of the District Cross Country Meet which was held in Coleman on Monday, October 27th.
The meet included athletes on the Girls Varsity & Junior Varsity as well as the Boys Varsity teams.
The results are as follows:
Junior Varsity Girls
- Alyssa Fisher 10th
- Overall team placed 3rd
Varsity Girls
- Chelsea Johnston 6th place, advancing to Regionals
- Overall team placed 4th
Varsity Boys
- Grant Gowdy 6th
- Geron Gowdy 8th
Both teams are advancing to Regionals.
The Regional Meet will be on Nov. 6th at Mae Simmons Park in Lubbock 2A. Girls are scheduled to run at 1:00pm and Boys are to run at 1:30pm.