The Heart of Texas Cow/Calf Clinic, one of the longest-running programs conducted by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, is set for May 25 at the Brown County Fairgrounds located in Brownwood on U.S. Hwy. 377 South.
The clinic is open to the public and will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a catered barbecue meal.
“Beef cattle production is the No. 1 agricultural enterprise in Brown and most other surrounding counties,” said Scott Anderson, AgriLife Extension agent in Brown County. “Over the years, the Heart of Texas Cow/Calf Clinic has gained the reputation for providing some of the most up-to-date information concerning cattle production in our area.”
Clinic speakers will include Dr. Jason Cleere, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist at College Station, and Jim Sartwelle, Texas Farm Bureau public policy director from Waco.
Cleere will discuss interpreting hay analysis from the commercial cattleman’s viewpoint and issues facing today’s cattle producers. Sartwelle will speak on current beef cattle markets and overall cattle numbers.
Pre-registration is requested by May 21, so an accurate meal count can be made. Individual registration is $5 payable at the door.
For more information and to pre-register, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Brown County at 325-646-0386 or e-mail Anderson at [email protected] .