The FROG (Friends and Relatives of Greenleaf) group and Greenleaf Cemetery will hold a cleanup and workday on the County-wide Cleanup Day, March 27, this Saturday at the cemetery located on Highway 377 south.
The hours are from 9:00 am til 3:00 pm.
Workers are encouraged to bring gloves and outside tools. Many projects are scheduled and there will be something for anyone who wants to volunteer.
The organization would like to thank ahead of time these friendly community supporters who will contribute to the success of the workday: Underwood’s Bar-B-Que, Keith Lemmons, Brookshires, Kroger, Mrs. Baird’s Bakery, Dr. Pepper Bottling Company and the City of Brownwood.
Additional donations of mulch for the flowerbeds and flowering perennial plants would be greatly appreciated.
Currently, the grounds crew at Greenleaf is working to upright fallen and sunken markers, as well as, preparing for the spring mowing season.
Help and participation in this workday will be very much appreciated. On one of the previous workdays, a volunteer was heard saying, “I had no idea I would enjoy working at the cemetery as much as I am today. There is just something good about it.”
Volunteering is one of the best ways to get out of the “doldrums.” It is always healthy when someone can give something back to help their community.
For more information, please call Greenleaf Board and FROG member, Harold Hogan at 325-642-8643.