On August 21st 2009, The Texas Medical Board and Dr. Martin McGonagle entered into a 2½ year mediated agreed order requiring his invasive cosmetic surgery practice be monitored; that within one year he complete the medical record keeping course offered by the University of California San Diego Physician Assessment and Clinical Education (PACE) Program; that within one year he complete the “maintaining proper boundaries” course offered by Santé Center For Healing; that he attend the 26th Annual Scientific meeting of the American Academy of Cosmetic surgery in Orlando, Florida, January 27-31, 2010; that within two years Dr. McGonagle obtain 20 hours of continuing medical education offered by Audio-Digest Foundation in wound care, infectious disease, and antibiotic therapy; and that he pay an administrative penalty of $2,000 within 180 days.
The action was based on Dr. McGonagle’s failure to meet the standard of care in treatment of several patients who received cosmetic procedures, including lip implant, face lift, breast augmentation and blepharoplasty, as it related to the treatment of postoperative wound infections and the use of antibiotic therapy, and his entering into an inappropriate financial relationship with an employee.
On August 21st, 2009 The Texas Medical Board and Dr. Debbie Crawford entered into an agreed order requiring that within one year she obtain 10 hours of continuing medical education in medical record keeping and 10 hours in Ethics; the order also requires that she submit a written statement of corrective action taken.
The action was based on Dr. Crawford utilizing a Florida company for administration and interpretation of electromyelography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity studies, and that employees who administered and interpreted the studies were not licensed Texas health care providers as required.